Design Diaries: The Rising, ChibiFied







I occasionally feel the urge to create. If I don’t kill that urge, I get slightly depressed (does that make me homicidal?). Recently my mind was like: “Hey, let’s do drawings of the constellation of characters in The Rising.” (in case you don’t know about The Rising, read the story here, or check related post under the “Fiction” tab up there.)

Turns out I can’t draw as good as I think I can in my head. So I hopped over to Google to learn how to draw Japanese style chibi. Here is the first one I did:
Spider SketchSpider (real name: Temi Adeola) is a reality twisting Magus with a strange past which includes patricide. She kinda-sorta saved the life of Carlos, below, and he is eternally grateful.


This is Carlos, he’s a sad chap at the moment, he was just dumped rather unceremoniously at a very public event. That thing circling around him? That’s fluidized Alchemycal metal (Again, more details on the events surrounding the image here)

Will be back with more in the near future, well… as long as I don’t get bogged down by my day job.



Red is a Christmassy Color

The final part of the first Tetrad of The Rising was supposed to come out yesterday. Unfortunately, I had data connection and editing issues. This means it’s being released today instead.

I don’t have much time to actually write a blog post today but here’s a sneak preview of the draft cover for the next scene:


That red stuff… not necessarily macabre. Red is a Christmas color too you know.

The new cover has almost the same color scheme as the first Tetrad cover (plus or minus a little hint and hue and a whole lot of black):


I decided to use a different format for each cover, the same way the writing styles in each new part are switched around. I look forward to stretching the limits of font and imagination!

Check out the complete Tetrad 1


Merry Christmas!

Peace be unto you.

Making my Second Book Cover

Over the last week a friend of mine asked me to do a ‘logo’ for her Christian fellowship. She’s pretty… very pretty, so of course I said yes. This was the first draft, I tried to keep it simple:
TLC 1st Concept

Apparently simple was not the way to go. She said the design was too simple. She needed it to be more ‘busy’: flourishes and florals and stuff. Well, busy isn’t really my thing, but I tried my best. I wasn’t surprised when she rejected the result:


I ended up passing the work over to another dude (I may have lost out on a fine girl’s number in the process. Well…que sera sera).

I repurposed the work for my own book cover:Silver Eyes Cover‘Silver Eyes & Golden Torcs’ is a learning experience for me. It’s dystopian science fiction which doesn’t use most of the elements that I’m used to: no distortions in reality; no deus ex machina; more death; more mature content etc.

You can read the scenes for ‘Silver Eyes & Golden Torcs’ on Wattpad here:

Serializations will be posted only on Wattpad, (maybe FictionPress later on… can’t tell yet) please follow me on Wattpad ( @kwesiwoode ) to receive updates on my work.

Design Diary 1

I don’t know whether it’s the loss of pressure from a whole lot of things I was bothering about (even though I probably shouldn’t have), but the flood-gates are open. Figuratively of course, my creativity is running riot.

Call it right-brain mania if you will, whatever it is, it’s like pure liquid fire, and the timing couldn’t have been better. I have a chance to doodle some costume bits for an event, I can’t say exactly what of course, it’s a top-secret-for-you-eyes-only-double-o-seven kinda thing. I have my fingers crossed right now hoping my concepts will make it (OK, my toes at the moment, very difficult to cross fingers when typing). I will reveal the costume sketches as soon as the hush-hush isn’t necessary.

I will however reveal the sketches for my randomly-created-when-I-had-nothing-particularly-important-to-do concept collection. 🙂


That is, as soon as I am done finalizing them

*whew* Just got rid of a lot of nervous energy.


P.S., poetry:

too far away

yet too near to cry

there is the pain that’d make u wish

u never had tears in your eyes



You feel the cut

the ice and the fire

the longest single moment

is you saying goodbye

It’s not easy …

It’s not easy being a critic, but it’s harder not to be. Of all all beings with eight legs the tick is probably the most detested, it sucks life-juice (aka blood) right out of mammals with which it probably doesn’t even share a blood group. Critics on the other hand are usually slanted towards a single blood type, B-negative.

In my critic phase things were probably easier, but they were also much more boring. If I found something wrong with a design or I disliked an aesthetic all I could do was talk about it. My days were full of scouring digital tomes, websites, social media and (no judging please) celeb gossip sites. It was an easy path, a straight and even path and a dreadfully wide one as well. Everyone is a critic really, so this road was rather crowded ( the traffic was terrible I tell you).
Maybe I was dissatisfied with doing too little, but Insomnia soon followed. Sleep eludes you if you have a billion great ideas and no way to see them materialized. I am not old enough yet for cynicism, idealism is more of my thing, and I guess there wasn’t enough of a social motive in a life as a fashion maven-cum-writer-cum-critic-cum-historian-cum-etc. 
A higher calling is a terrible thing to run away from, trust me, and fate has a way of catching up with you. I started with one slightly passable idea, threw my time, energy and lunch money into it and watched my baby grow. The idea spiralled out of control, growing bigger and more concise at every turn. Now after many months afk, I finally have the chance to put my words down on paper (or more precisely, on server).
4th Repvblik wasn’t that novel an idea, an urban-heritage-afropolitan brand? words are one thing but to create a new point of difference in a market is very difficult. To those who think it’s just about making a nice product, I’m sorry, the business doesn’t run that way anymore. I moved from the ego-centricity of a eponymous brand to thinking about the strength (and possibly less creative freedom) of a fashion brand. It was a symbol of a brand new revolution in itself and maybe it was just what I needed.
The work wasn’t easy either. Every plan falls apart as soon as the battle starts and 4th Repvblik was no different. Rain, sunshine and empty pockets were just a few of the problems that assaulted me, and soon the meaning of Alicia Keys’ line “Hunger from more than an empty fridge” (Empire State of Mind) became a very real part of my life when deadlines were far from met and debtors started knocking. If you think all battles are fought with artillery, think again. 
Thank God though for my soldiers, brave Officers in the battle for a revolution for change in a nation we now referred to as ‘The Repvblik’ these men and women are most of the reason we still stand. Support also came from some of the most unexpected places, family, friends and comrades of like minds.
Fragmenting my life into compartments has not been easy, and frequently the compartments mess up but I wouldn’t give it up for the world.So what is my life now?: Researching on ways to improve access to sanitation and water to Ghana’s poor on one side and Creating amazing stuff for people to wear whilst pushing a positive social agenda on the other. I don’t know about how you see it, but I sleep much better now.